Write Your Book in a Weekend Retreat

Welcome to the Members Area for the Retreat. Here you will find information about the Pre-Retreat Work, Frequently Asked Questions, and more.

There are several steps to take to prepare for your Retreat. We have broken the content up into steps so that you can easily navigate and complete each task without feeling overwhelmed.

Click the box of the step you would like to view.

1: Pre-Retreat Prep Work

5 Modules to prepare you for the Retreat

2: Retreat Materials

In order to ensure your LIVE OR VIRTUAL retreat is as comfortable and easy as possible, you’ll need to have these items

3: Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions, we have answers

4: Meet Your Retreat Team

Learn about the Retreat Staff

5: View Post-Retreat Options

What’s the next step?

6: Pre-Retreat Webinars

Watch replays of past webinars to help you prepare even more.

Step Two:

Retreat Materials

In order to ensure your retreat is as comfortable and easy as possible, you’ll need to have the following items:

  • Pens
  • Unlined spiral-bound pad of paper (art sketch), 8.5” x 11” or larger (no loose sheets)
  • Laptop or Tablet (with USB slot for flash drive)
  • Flash Drive
  • *Four Medium (3”x 3”) post-it pads, one of each specific color: pink, orange, yellow & blue
  • *White Poster Board (approximately 20″ x 28″)
  • *Roll of transparent tape
  • Plenty of Drinking Water
  • Healthy Snacks

*These items will be used only if you move to the Revision Process during the retreat. Not everyone who attends will complete their book and begin the process, but we always recommend you have them so you are prepared.

Technical Items

Download the Zoom Meeting Client for your device:

  • Download the latest version of Zoom for your computer here.
  • Download the latest version of Zoom for your Apple phone or tablet here.
  • Download the latest version of Zoom for your Android phone or tablet here.
  • New to Zoom? Get training here.
  • Download** the Writing Audio to play on your device during the Retreat here.

**Once you have opened the music file, click on the three vertical dots next to the player and select Download to save to your device. You can use a program such as iTunes to play the file.

Step Three:

Frequently Asked Questions

Review the following FAQ's. If you still have questions, please contact Janelle at [email protected]

To view the answer to a question, click on the Question OR the plus sign to the far right of the question.

Retreat Preparation

What is the best way to approach and prepare for a retreat?

The best way to approach a retreat is to come in a relaxed, receptive state of mind. Writing is the exact opposite of how we’ve all been trained to operate such as working hard, achieving goals, being in control and making things happen. The writing flows best in a state of surrender, trust and allowing.

Why I do I feel anxious or nervous before the retreat?

This is perfectly normal! It is normal to have resistance, anxiety or nervousness before a retreat as the energy of your book is already in motion.

How long does the retreat preparation take?

It typically takes between 10-12 hour to complete the pre-retreat requirements, writing exercises, videos and pre-retreat webinars. 

Is it essential that I complete the preparation work?

The more you apply yourself to the preparation work the more you will benefit and the clearer you will be to bring through your book. Since Tom works energetically with the group before and during the retreat, the clearer you are the more he is able to create and maintain the space for you to bring your book through.

Do I have to do the preparation work again if I’ve already taken a writing retreat?

It would be highly beneficial if you were to repeat the writing exercises in Tom’s Write to Heal book. We are all in a constant state of evolution and it’s like layers of an onion as you continue to peel back the layers during the writing exercises. You may find new insight and inspiration by repeating the exercises. 

I’ve already done so much personal work on myself. Do I still have to do the preparation work?

You approach the writing from your current perspective. You will only benefit by completing the preparation work. Many times you will hear something completely different than the first time you did the work.

Where do I find the preparation materials?

All of the preparation materials are located here

Who do I contact if I can’t log in or access the retreat materials?

Please contact Janelle Kutz at [email protected] for technical support issues.

Why does Tom recommend we don’t drink coffee?

Tom recommends that you do not consume caffeine a few days before and during the retreat. He believes that it puts you too much into your left brain and interferes with the flow during the writing process.

Who is my point of contact and who can assist me during the retreat and with preparation work?

Your point of contact before/during/after the retreat is Janelle Kutz. You can reach her at [email protected].

I want to talk with Tom during the retreat. Is it OK if I go up to him during the retreat with questions about the retreat?

Tom’s goal at any retreat is to provide the energetic support and connection you need to bring through your books. Many times he is in a deeply altered state in order to do so and interrupting him takes him out of this supportive role. You will have the opportunity to personally interact with Tom and ask questions about your book during the revision process. Please direct all of your questions and concerns to Janelle Kutz during the retreat so that Tom can stay connected to the group and your books.


What do I do if I feel stuck?

The feeling of being “stuck” is just resistance that is coming up for clearing for you. This is normal and to be expected during a retreat. The goal is to just keep writing and you will get to the other side of this. You can also use the Circle Drawing method to get things flowing again. This is an excellent tool for your toolbox.

How many words per minute should I be writing?

The goal is to write approximately 1,500 words per hour.

Why is it important for me to write so fast?

Writing at this speed is the best indication that you are in the creative flow and not in the left brain which wants to edit, censor or critique your work. There is a positive pressure in the timed segments that does not allow for that.

What is the length of an average book?

The average book is about 23,000 words. This can grow to 35,000 during the revision process.

What if I feel like I’m writing garbage?

It is normal to feel like you are writing “garbage” or just journaling or writing random thoughts that don’t necessarily make sense in the beginning. Just keep writing! Even if you are only writing about how frustrating or stupid or ridiculous this is. Just keep writing and you will break through this.

Can I write longhand instead of using a computer?

Yes, absolutely. You can write longhand for the entire retreat or use your computer. The choice is entirely up to you and how you feel most connected to your book. Tom normally has everyone start out writing longhand and then you can switch to a laptop if you prefer.

What do I do if my book starts coming through before the retreat?

It’s entirely possible that your book will start coming through before the retreat depending on how open and connected you are. It is also possible that nothing will come through until you are at the retreat. Both are perfectly acceptable. If the flow starts before the retreat be sure that you are listening to the Writing Audio while writing to connect to the Divine Author Within.

Can I move around, sit on the floor, stand up or go outside to write?

Yes, absolutely. You are free to move around, stand up, or go outside if you feel inclined. Please let us know if you have any special requirements and we will do our best to assist you.

Revision Process

When do I revise my book?

You will begin the revision process once your book is completed.

What happens when I finish the first step of the revision process?

Once you feel you have completed the first step of the revision process Tom will review your Board. If he approves your Board you will go on to the next step of the revision process. If he doesn’t approve it he will give you suggestions and recommendations on what to do next.  

How does Tom tap into the consciousness of my book?

The writing retreats are Tom’s ministry and spiritual gift. He has the ability to connect with the consciousness of your book and can give you specific recommendations on what needs to be done to complete, enhance or revise your book. This is a spiritual gift that is unique to Tom.

End of Retreat

What happens if I don’t finish my book during the retreat?

The vast majority of retreat participants complete their books during the writing retreats. Even those that don’t complete their books do achieve clarity and inspiration about their books, lives, or life purpose. Writing is an art form and a tremendous amount of healing occurs through the writing process even if you don’t finish your book at the retreat.

What are my options if I don’t finish my book?

An option would be to take another writing retreat either live or virtual and use this time to finish and revise your book in a supportive environment.

How does Tom tap into the consciousness of my book?

The writing retreats are Tom’s ministry and spiritual gift. He has the ability to connect with the consciousness of your book and can give you specific recommendations on what needs to be done to complete, enhance or revise your book. This is a spiritual gift that is unique to Tom.

What if I just try to finish my book at home now that I know the process?

The fall-off rate once you leave the retreat is about 95%. The writing is easy during the retreat because Tom clears and holds the energetic space for you to complete your book. Once you get home and back to your normal routine and responsibilities very few people actually complete their books.

Questions About My Book

How do I know if my book is done?

Ask your book! Tom recommends you take a 10-minute walk and come back to a writing session. Many times you will find that more starts to come through once you’ve taken a walk or drink water to get the flow moving again. If you feel certain within yourself that you are complete you probably are.

What if my book is already written?

Many people attend the retreat to see if anything additional will come through and use the balance of the time revising their book. There are Returning Authors that are taking the retreat for the 4th or 5th time and are still writing books.

Do I have to know what I’m going to write before I go to the retreat?

The book you think you are going to write, or have already started is not always the book that comes through. Your book doesn’t always reveal itself until it is in the safety and protective environment created for you at a retreat. It is not important that you know what you are going to write about before a retreat.

I see other people finishing their books and I’m still writing. What am I doing wrong?

Although there is a group energy and a group dynamic, this is not a competition. Each person is unique and individual and you cannot compare yourself to anyone else. You will finish your book when you finish it. You cannot do this wrong. Tom always says the only person we ever truly write for is ourselves. The healing and transformation happen during the writing process. The written book is just the byproduct. 

I want to sign up for PublishNow but I don’t know if I can even write a book!

If you have a goal of becoming a published author or using your book as a promotional tool for your business but are unsure of what might come through during the retreat, the best advice would be to make a reservation for the PublishNow program. Tom only accepts 20 authors into his program each retreat. Contact Janelle Kutz to set up a complimentary consultation with Tom to see if it is in alignment with your publishing goals. Your reservation guarantees you a spot in the program and you will have until the last day of the retreat to either move forward or to give your spot to the next person in line.

Step Four:

Meet Your Retreat Team



President, Tom Bird Seminars

[email protected]

While serving as a publicist for major league baseball’s Pittsburgh Pirates, Tom Bird had a life-changing, perspective-altering, spiritual awakening. This spiritual awakening would set the compass for the remainder of his life, produce the sale of his first book and reset, forever, how he would see writing, publishing, and life.

Tom’s awakening and eventual success as a best-selling author and the innovative, spiritually-led approach he took to get there, directly disputed all he had learned, been taught, or read about writing and the authoring of books up to that point.

True to a promise he made to share what had been revealed to him, Tom has spent the last thirty-five years sharing the unique, inside-out approach with authors and writers of all types worldwide.

During that time, besides writing more than thirty books himself, Tom has appeared before hundreds of thousands of aspiring authors through webinars, retreats, seminars, radio talk-show appearances and through over 4,000 lecture appearances at hundreds of different colleges and universities.

The fundamental pillars of Tom’s Method:

  • The book that’s calling out to you to be written is already created and written on the so-called other side of life. So it does not need to be created by you. Instead, it just needs to be released.
  • The cornerstone of effectively and functionally connecting with one’s book lies in communing with what Tom refers to as the Divine Author Within (DAW) state.
  • Once connected with one’s book through the DAW state, amazing results can transpire, including writing one’s book in a few days.
  •  The writing of one’s book through the DAW state comprises a major leap into one’s dharma, or life purpose, and thus comprises a major, positive, life-changing event and/or shift as well.

His unique method has led to the completion of tens of thousands of books, more than one hundred of which have ended up as Amazon best-sellers.

What Tom’s method has done for so many, it can do for you as well.

Tom lives and works in Sedona, AZ, although his workshops and writing seminars are offered in many locations across the U.S.



Creative Operations Manager

[email protected]

Janelle is our behind-the-scenes specialist. She helps connect the world with Tom. With a degree in Communications, Janelle has moved from crafting the message to ensuring it is delivered. Making the digital world go round is often like solving a puzzle with the pieces upside down: you can’t always see every part, but you know they all go together. The problem-solving aspect of this work is what Janelle enjoys the most. Never one to back down from a challenge, Janelle is not afraid to tackle a problem from a different angle and work until it all makes sense.

Outside of the office, Janelle has two dogs she loves to hike with (and who are often in the office with her) and loves to spend time with her friends and family. She is a volunteer with Lasagna Love, a global nonprofit and grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. In the summer, you can find her on the sand volleyball court and traveling to her favorite spots in the Pacific Northwest.


President, Tom Bird Seminars

[email protected]

While serving as a publicist for major league baseball’s Pittsburgh Pirates, Tom Bird had a life-changing, perspective-altering, spiritual awakening. This spiritual awakening would set the compass for the remainder of his life, produce the sale of his first book and reset, forever, how he would see writing, publishing, and life.

Tom’s awakening and eventual success as a best-selling author and the innovative, spiritually-led approach he took to get there, directly disputed all he had learned, been taught, or read about writing and the authoring of books up to that point.

True to a promise he made to share what had been revealed to him, Tom has spent the last thirty-five years sharing the unique, inside-out approach with authors and writers of all types worldwide.

During that time, besides writing more than thirty books himself, Tom has appeared before hundreds of thousands of aspiring authors through webinars, retreats, seminars, radio talk-show appearances and through over 4,000 lecture appearances at hundreds of different colleges and universities.

The fundamental pillars of Tom’s Method:

  • The book that’s calling out to you to be written is already created and written on the so-called other side of life. So it does not need to be created by you. Instead, it just needs to be released.
  • The cornerstone of effectively and functionally connecting with one’s book lies in communing with what Tom refers to as the Divine Author Within (DAW) state.
  • Once connected with one’s book through the DAW state, amazing results can transpire, including writing one’s book in a few days.
  •  The writing of one’s book through the DAW state comprises a major leap into one’s dharma, or life purpose, and thus comprises a major, positive, life-changing event and/or shift as well.

His unique method has led to the completion of tens of thousands of books, more than one hundred of which have ended up as Amazon best-sellers.

What Tom’s method has done for so many, it can do for you as well.

Tom lives and works in Sedona, AZ, although his workshops and writing seminars are offered in many locations across the U.S.


Creative Operations Manager

[email protected]

Janelle is our behind-the-scenes specialist. She helps connect the world with Tom. With a degree in Communications, Janelle has moved from crafting the message to ensuring it is delivered. Making the digital world go round is often like solving a puzzle with the pieces upside down: you can’t always see every part, but you know they all go together. The problem-solving aspect of this work is what Janelle enjoys the most. Never one to back down from a challenge, Janelle is not afraid to tackle a problem from a different angle and work until it all makes sense.

Outside of the office, Janelle has two dogs she loves to hike with (and who are often in the office with her) and loves to spend time with her friends and family. She is a volunteer with Lasnga Love, a global nonprofit and grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. In the summer, you can find her on the sand volleyball court and traveling to her favorite spots in the Pacific Northwest.

Step Five:

View Post-Retreat Options


We have what you need to transform your manuscript into a professionally published hard-copy and digital book.

Offering you the opportunity to be individually guided by Tom Bird and his team through the revision, professional editing, and publication and release of your book, this is the Cadillac™ of his programs.

There are four different, one-price-meets-all packages, as well as several ala carte items available to meet every need and budget. Attractive payment programs are available.

View plans and pricing here.